This self-initiated passion project, Jackman, is a 26-minute superhero short film that I wrote, directed, and produced about a superhero's sensitive search for identity. I took creative inspiration from my own self-doubt and vulnerability when I was 18. 
Apart from writing, directing, and producing, I also handled makeup, props, costume, music licensing, sound design, location scouting, casting, crew management, scheduling, and editing. This project took nearly a year to complete (Feb 2019 - Jan 2020).​​​​​​​
Removing the Skin
Choking Agent Jeff
Baby Jack Abduction
Jackman is a part of an official 2020 selection of Press Play International Film Festival.
Alien Tech Removal
Professor Boa Transformation

Afterthoughts and Behind the Scenes

"Woah! I'm on here!?"
"Woah! I'm on here!?"
Jackman Family Reunion at PressPlay Film Festival in Dallas.
Jackman Family Reunion at PressPlay Film Festival in Dallas.
Jackman on the big screen!
Jackman on the big screen!
BTS (while the crew is setting up)
BTS (while the crew is setting up)
Experimenting with makeup
Experimenting with makeup
BTS-Torcher's Warehouse
BTS-Torcher's Warehouse
BTS-Professor Boa's Warehouse
BTS-Professor Boa's Warehouse

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